There are a number of questions customers have when coming to a tailor for the first time. We hope these questions and answers ensure you have an exceptional experience with us. If you have further questions, please give us a ring!

1.  What do I need to bring with me for my bridal gown alteration? 
You'll need to bring the shoes and the undergarments that you'll be planning to wear with the gown.

2. Do I need to worry about my pants shrinking after I alter them?
To be on the safe side, always wash/dry clean your garments prior to any alterations. This will ensure the long-term fit and avoid any shrinking concerns (no pun intended).

3. Where do the clothes actually get altered/tailored?
All alterations take place at the shop you bring your garments to. We do not outsource any of our work. This guarantees that your work is done to your specification and allows us to contact you directly for any questions or preferences.

4. I have a suit that needs to be tailored before my niece's wedding. When should I bring it in?
As a rule of thumb, allow for at least 1 week for your alterations. Complexity of the work is the major factor in determining turnaround time. Typically alterations are completed under a week, however bridal gowns and garments that require significant alterations may require longer periods. 

5. Can you fix a broken zipper?
Typically zippers are replaced, rather than repaired. Bring in the new zipper and we'll be happy to replace the old one for you.

6. Where are you located?
We are located at SouthPoint Plaza in Fredericksburg, Virginia


5432 Southpoint Plaza Way I  Fredericksburg, VA  22407 |  Phone: (540) 898-5038